Credit Control Tips
Below we share some useful credit control tips that can act as a useful aide to ensure that you get paid for your products and services.
In funds recovered for our clients in the last year
Customer accounts settled successfully
Debts recovered without court action
Court actions raised in the last year
With over 100 years of experience, we are specialists in the art of resolving disputed and undisputed debts.
Yuill + Kyle holds the ISO 9001:2015 certification for Quality Management, the most widely recognised quality management system standard in the world.
Yuill + Kyle holds the ISO 14001:2015 certification for Environmental Management, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to environmental awareness.
Yuill + Kyle holds the ISO 27001:2022 certification for Information Security, an internationally recognised security gold standard.
Business continuity is a critical element of the Business Management System at Yuill + Kyle, and we are fully accredited with ISO 22301:2012.
Whether you are a small trader, multinational corporation, international bank, debt recovery organisation or a lawyer out with Scotland, we offer a vast range of debt recovery and credit control facilities that can be tailored to your needs. We work swiftly and efficiently to recover the maximum amount of debt – at minimum cost to you.
Our ApproachNo debt is too small, and we work with businesses who have volume debts and those with occasional needs. We provide specialist, solutions-driven advice for all of your legal debt recovery matters. Whilst we specialise in Scottish law, we work with clients throughout the world – so, if you would like to improve your cash flow, reduce debtor days and make your business more profitable, let us guide you.
About UsYou do not always need to take court action to recover what is owed – often, talking with the customer through e-mail, phone or letter is enough. Before starting official legal proceedings, we recommend you send a Letter Before Action (pre-sue letter).
Find Out MoreIf court action is necessary, experience has taught us that the quicker you start legal proceedings, the better chance you have of recovery. As soon as we receive your instructions, we move into action and can issue proceedings anywhere in Scotland.
Find Out MoreIf you are concerned about payment of a large debt and think your debtor is in financial difficulty, you should consider fast-track collection. This is available for individuals and limited companies, but the debt must be undisputed.
Find Out MoreOur goal is to recover as much cash as possible for you as quickly as possible, and there is a range of pre- and post-judgment remedies available.
Find Out MoreAt our core, we believe that swift legal action enhances the likelihood of successful debt recovery. Explore our insolvency services to maximise your chances of reclaiming what you are owed.
Find Out MoreLaw firms, debt collection firms, finance companies and lease companies could benefit from our Vehicle Repossession Service.
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Below we share some useful credit control tips that can act as a useful aide to ensure that you get paid for your products and services.
With the Financial Conduct Authority playing a pivotal role when it comes to the granting of consumer credit to individuals, it is no doubt alarming to learn that it is under attack from scammers who are impersonating the authority.
All those involved in consumer credit will have to take notice of the Financial Conduct Authority’s new "consumer duty" which comes into force on 31 July 2023 and will set higher and clearer standards of consumer protection across financial services.
The issue of illegal money lending and providing access to credit to the most disadvantaged in society is, perhaps, easily explained. However, the solution is not so simple.
The Bankruptcy and Diligence (Scotland) Bill introduces a number of measures which modify current diligence (judgment enforcement) measures, to either improve them or clarify some of their provisions.
We consider a few helpful ways in which you can shield your business from bad debt.
Legal changes can have a dramatic impact on your and your business. To ensure you are kept up to date with the latest developments and have the knowledge to make timely, effective decisions, please sign up for our free updates.